Security and Quality
Security and Quality
Before a delivery vehicle is permitted to enter Telwiedrè's premises, representative samples of the freight are analysed in the Telwiedrè laboratory. Telwiedrè makes use of a NIRS (Near Infrared Spectrometer) when testing of samples is done to ensure that the final mixed product meets required specifications. This equipment is rated as the most accurate quick analytical equipment in the world. All raw materials and ready-mixed products are tested here on a regular basis to ensure adherence to the required national and international quality standards.
Should any particular delivery of raw materials meet Telwiedrè's strict quality criteria, the vehicle enters the premises via a high-pressure biosecurity washer. All vehicles entering the premises must pass through this decontamination process in order to eliminate risk.
From there they proceed to a weighbridge to determine the weight of the cargo. All loads entering and/or leaving the premises, for the delivery of raw materials or the despatch of products, are weighed.